TheĀ  Blog

Seeing Two Sides of the Story communication psychology social
So there we have it. A Secretary of Defense, who, in my opinion, isn’t someone I would love to sit next to at dinner.
My first instinct was to shut down. To disavow this man and his...
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Make the Most of Your Astrological Sign social
I know my astrological sign. I know my rising sign, and my moon sign…and where all the plants are in my astrological chart! I know my enneagram numbers, I know my MBTI personality profile,...
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Rewiring Our Brains for the Future? communication psychology social
When we think about physical evolution, we think about Darwinism and somatic adaptions that have occurred through thousands of years of existence. But we don’t give much thought to brain...
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Put Yourself Out There - Even While Shaking in Fear communication emotions social
When I was a baby, I would scream my head off if my mom put me in anyone else’s arms. I screamed even more than your average bear (or shy baby human). I only wanted my mom – my safe...
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Why Are Women Acting Like Men? communication psychology social
Since the feminist movement of the 1960’s and 70’s, women have gained a more equal footing in the workplace and society. Although most women will say we still have a long way to go, I...
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