I'm Dana K. Prophet
I am a research psychologist and an empowerment coach. As an American staying in South Africa, I am also President Emeritus of the American Society of South Africa and have worked for world-renowned speakers Anthony Robbins and Dr. John Demartini.
I make a mean chicken tortilla soup, am allergic to the outdoors (in my mind) yet managed to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro and secretly dream of becoming a rock star!

My Story
I had stars in my eyes as a child. Armed with two magazine subscriptions, National Geographic and Vogue, I envisioned conquering the archeological world in style as a movie star and rock legend - Ha!
While life turned out a bit differently than I had imagined, I have had some amazing experiences - summiting Mt. Kilmanjaro (see my gorgeous family, Steve and Kirsten with guides Samson and David) walking on the Great Wall in China, seeing snake charmers in Morocco, learning to dive in Fiji and meeting my husband in Europe and moving to Africa.
Fun Facts About Me:
I have 3 auto-immune diseases, Chronic Inflammatory Demeyelinating Polyneuropathy, Lupus SLE & Psoriatic Arthritis. They totally suck, but have given me purpose in helping others in the same boat.
I also have Tourette's Syndrome, which is why you see my body doing strange things in videos. I first experienced symptoms around age 7, when a classmate asked me why I grunted all the time. Oink-Oink!
I am a HUGE animal lover (see: pushover) and currently have two furbabies - Labradors Dakota and Madison. I have also fallen in love with a Koala bear named Clayton, and him I, but I don't know how to tell my husband.
Why I Do It
Self-awareness has been a driving force in my life ever since I had chronic nightmares and terrors as a child through to my early twenties. By studying the works of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, I was able to unlock the secrets of my dream world, thereby eliminating the terror associated with my dreams. By illuminating, or shining a light on this dark area of my life, dreaming became an immensely enriching and empowering experience.
A second driving force in my life is to experience, and help others experience, moments of transcendence and transformation. These are pivotal, powerful moments in one's life.
These two driving forces combined have led me to using Active Imagination, a technique modernized by Carl Jung, to help both myself and others experience moments of enlightenment, empowerment, transformation and self-awareness.

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